Name:ACS Black Gray Rock 7
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Rocks Black VolcanicGray slab of granite hugged by small plants, crawling its way upwards. The rock can be placed as accessory for gardens, parks or as additional decor at the beach. Copy enabled, we offer this FREE OF CHARGE to all our beloved residents of Anshe Chung Sims and partner estates.
Name:ACS Brown Rock 4
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Rocks Brown SedimentarySeveral slate rocks fused by the elements, forming a drmatic piece of natural workmanship. As seen on nature, ACS brought it to life for you to enjoy, with small specks of moss to add color to the brown-colored rock.
Name:ACS Rainbow Rocks 2
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Rocks Rainbow Garden RocksDecorate your estate with a boulder that is colorful and teeming with life! This sedimentary rock is filled with colorful lifeforms, giving a rainbow hue. Can be rezzed in forested estates as well as additional rocks for waterfalls and river shores.
Name:ACS Rainbow Rocks 3
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Rocks Rainbow Garden RocksCan't get enough of rainbow-colored rocks? Here are your request, to whet your appetite! Featuring three dome-shaped sedimentray rocks with colonies of small lifeforms including moss, lichens and fungal growth evenly distributed among the rocks. Low prim and copy enabled, this comes FREE OF CHARGE for all Anshe Chung tenants and its affiliates!
Name:ACS Vined Rock 2
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Rocks Vined Garden RocksLarge granite rock in semi-spherical shape slowly worn by time, with dry crusts from algae, moss an lichen growths. Its green color blends well to grassy plains or forest areas despite its low prim quality. FREE OF CHARGE for ACS tenants and its affiliates!
Name:ACS Vined Rock 3
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Rocks Vined Garden RocksFashioned by nature from limestone, worn by time, sculpted in low prims but almost life-like three dimensional item, where can you find such masterpiece? Detailed mesh FREE OF CHARGE for ACS tenants and its affiliates!
Name:ACS Vined Rock 4
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Rocks Vined Garden RocksLimestone formation gently shaped by the natural elements, colonized by life... now here in Second Life! This towering natural obelisk is a living colony of different plants, giving it an all natural appearance. Designed to provide the most realistic and natural landscape in a few prims to bring life, diversity and beauty to your lands, this is exclusively FREE of CHARGE for ACS tenants and affiliates!
Name:ACS Vined Rock 5
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- New Items None 1 General NO YES NO 18 (18)
Rocks Vined Garden RocksFor gardens, forested lands and even wide savannas, an occasional rock breaks the monotony of plants; it also enhances the natural ambiance of the area. An obelisk of limestone covered in plant life, this wonderful creation can be copied for your pleasure.
Name:ACS Vined Rock- Phallus
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Rocks Vined Garden Rocks PhallusLimestone formations are always a wonderful sight to see, and this obelisk is no exception! In its characteristic yellowish hue, the rock had some patch of moss growing on its surface, while dried vines clings to some of the cracks. Exclusively FREE OF CHARGE to all our beloved residents of Anshe Chung Sims and partner estates.
Name:ACS Atlantic Tall Trees
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Tropical Tree Coconut Tall Trees AtlanticCaribbean flavor now on Second Life! Add this Atlantic Tall variety, to compensate your estate's samba and salsa look. Features lush green fronds and mocha-colored trunks recreated from low-primed sculpt.
Name:ACS Atlantic Tall Trees-Yellow Fronds
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Tropical Tree Coconut Tall Trees Yellow LeavesAnother variety of the Atlantic Tall reworked for a more subtle look! Covered in reddish hues in the trunks near the trunk rings and rewoked with yellowish-colored fronds for a realistic look, rezz to any white sand beach!
Name:ACS Beach Palms- Young Trees
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- New Items None 2 General NO YES NO 28 (16)
Tropical Tree Coconut Small Trees YoungPlaying ukelele under the shade of this coconut trees is never enjoyable and authentically fun! Mixed in yellow and green fronds set on brown trunks, our low-prim masterpiece is FREE for ACS tenants and partner estates.
Name:ACS Beach Palms-Wavy
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Tropical Tree Coconut Tall Trees WavyCaribbean variety for the estates owned by beach buffs. Features gently curving coconut trees with dark green with a mix of yellow fronds create a more natural look to this low prim sculpt, our item will surely make your beach as expressive as what you want it to be.
Name:ACS Bonsai Coconut Trees
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Tropical Tree Coconut Bonsai Green LeavesFor the palm buffs who decorates gardens with palms, this miniature version of the coconut tree will provide a tropical look, its green fronds crowning the mocha trunks in a slight twisting appearance all came from a low-prim design to fit your needs. FREE for our ACS tenants and its partners!
Name:ACS Bonsai Palm-Horn
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Tropical Tree Coconut Small Trees HornFor the music affficionado as well as people who likes unique graden plants, rezz and see this one-of-a-kind coconut palm with trunks fashioned into a horn! Detailed mesh sculpts in three dimensions without the intrusion of bubbling, rendered expertly for our beloved clients. FREE for our ACS affiliates and tenants.
Name:ACS Chowghat Dwarf Green
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Tropical Tree Coconut Small Trees DwarfSouth Indian variety bred for beauty and austerity! This is an early flowering cultivar and takes about 3-4 years for initial flowering. The average annual yield is 63 nuts/palm/year. It is best suited for tender nut water. This cultivar was released by CPCRI in 1991 for large scale cultivation as tender nut variety.With its unique fronds spreading out like fans, this piece of sculpt is low-prim and can be copied.
Name:ACS Dwarf Jaggery Palms
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- New Items None 2 General NO YES NO 30 (12)
Tropical Tree Coconut Small Trees JaggeryCompact, small but accurately detailed mesh that can be copied at will! This Dwarf version of the Jaggery Palms will tantalize your guests and feel the pinch of the tropical paradise. Only the best from the ACS designers!
Name:ACS Foxtail Palm- Trumpet
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Tropical Tree Foxtail Palm Small Trees TrumpetThe beautiful Foxtail Palm with its feathery fronds, faithfully recreated for a stunning house plant sculpted for the music lovers in Second Life. Shaped like a trumpet, with reddish brown bands alternating with white and orange bands at the trunks, typical of the species.
Name:ACS Foxtail Palm-Helix
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Tropical Tree Foxtail Palm Small Trees HelixWild and twisting, this medium-sized variety of Foxtail Palm will definitely solicit awe and admiration from your visitors. Sitting atop the thin twisted trunks are lush green fronds, an assurance that this item will blend well in your gardens.
Name:ACS Ghowchat Dwarf Orange
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Tropical Tree Coconut Small Trees DwarfWith dark-gray trunks with white bands and its characteristic lush green fronds and a mix of yellow, this miniature version of the Ghowchat enables you to enjoy having a real-life tree fit in your garden. Also blends well with beach estates. Detailed mesh in low prims but accurately depicted to provide you with only the best item yet in SL.